I’m offering outcall Discreet massage services within Nairobi at the comfort of your apartment or hotel room. Just send me your details and I’ll be there as soon as possible.
The services being offered are both professional and sensual meaning there’s something for everyone.
Massage Nairobi
The professional massage services are :-
1. Swedish Massage
2. Deep Tissue Massage
3. Full Body Massage
4. Couple’s massage
The sensual massage services are :-
1. Nuru massage or body to body massage
2. Tantric massage
3. Yoni massage
4. Lingam massage
5. Extras
Kindly Book In Advance to ensure i have enough time to get to your location.
Couples massage is a type of massage offered to partners. You and your partner can choose different types of massages to cater for your individual needs and wants. You can choose between swedish, deep tissue or full body massage.
the massages can be offered by two therapists or one therapist who’ll attend to you one at a time.
couples massage is best because its a way to get connected to each other while getting ultimate relaxation.
Deep Tissue massage is a massage technique that’s, used to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as strains and injuries. it involves applying sustained pressure using slow deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues. This helps break up scar tissue that forms following an injury to reduce tension in muscles and tissue.Read More
Swedish massage is the most common types of massage you can get.
Swedish Massage in Nairobi goes beyond relaxation and release of muscle tension. With a blend of techniques through the use of the hands, elbows or forearms to manipulate muscle layers it improves both physical and mental health. Aside from easing tension, other benefits to the body that the Swedish massage provides are: increasing the oxygen levels in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins and improving circulation and flexibility.
Long, gliding strokes over a muscle helping to break trigger points
Kneading the muscle, working deeper into the affected area
Tapping the area with cupped hands to facilitate relaxation
Vibration to quickly shake a muscle back and forth to loosen the area
Wrapped in soft sheets, listening to soothing music as you receive this gentle massage is just the most wonderful way to kick start a new month.
Tantric massage is a very soft type of massage that can be sensual or very relaxing but that depends on how sensitive you are to touch. Tantric massage is a slowed version of massage where the masseuse uses the tips of his or her fingers and runs them all over your body, This makes you aware of your senses and surrounding. During this type of massage the masseuse can use different things to heighten your sensitivity and arouse your senses just be open minded and enjoy your session.
Nuru massage is an erotic massage also known as body to body massage. With this type of massage both the client and the masseuse are covered in gel or oil to enable sliding and rubbing with ease. The masseuse uses his or her body, hands and legs to massage the client, providing more body contact as opposed to other types of massage.
Nuru massage is used for relaxation, stress relief and pleasure. It has a number of benefits that make it an appealing choice for those looking for a more intimate experience. For example, it can help to relieve tension headaches and pressure headaches, as well as improve sleep quality and sexual function.
Getting a massage after a vigorous exercise is always a great idea as well as a great treat to your muscles. A massage primarily helps in muscles recovery, eases inflammation, improves blood flow and reduces muscle tightness. Those are just but a few benefits of getting a massage after a workout.
Doing exercises is good for your health in general but at some point you may find yourself overdoing it, which may lead to tiny tears in muscle fibers, leading to an immune reaction and inflammation as the body tries to repair the injured cells. This is where a massage comes in, it helps in suppressing cytokines molecules which decrease inflammation. When inflammation is decreased the pain should also decrease making it less sensitive to touch and increase the healing.
Post Workout Massage heals muscles
Everybody might react differently after a post-workout massage. Some people may experience nearly instant relief post-massage, others might feel tender in trigger-point areas that were worked on repeatedly. Whatever you’re feeling as long as its not worsening or acute pain, you’re all good, the massage heals.
You should also drink lots of water and do some light stretching during this time to encourage full recovery.
Massage services can play a major role in your health regimen. You can either decide to make it a regular thing or an occasional thing. We all need to take care of ourselves and what better way to do that than getting a full body massage right?
Today we are looking at what research says about massage for both health and wellness.
1. Reduces stress
Getting a massage might actually help in reduction of stress and anything associated with it like mild headaches, one sided headaches, anxiety and depression. Just get a massage and see how that goes.
2. Get better sleep The main aim of getting a massage is to unwind and relax… if you have back pain, insomnia and other health conditions then you end up getting a nice relaxing full body massage your body becomes so relaxed such that it translates to a healthier sleeping habit
3. Boost mental health and wellness
Stress anxiety and depression is directly related to mental health. In this case getting a massage will positively impact your mental health.
4. Manage pain
is is for those suffering from lower or upper back pain, sports injuries or headaches. Massage services helps in pain reduction, injury rehabilitation and in return it positively affects your work or personal life output.
5. Increase range of motion
This best works for athletes because it reduces tension, improve exercise performance and prevent injuries.
You can easily book for a massage in Nairobi you can either go to a spa or call a massage therapist to your home or hotel room.
A good massage is a great treat with lots of health benefits that go beyond mere relaxation. As a massage therapist im good at giving several massage services which is quite normal but to some extent you as a client should have a rough idea of what you need and the goal to be achieved at the end of the session.
Nairobi Mobile Masseuses offer a variety of massage techniques to treat different needs. We also customize massage sessions to the specific needs of every client. Most of the time we do incorporate different techniques to ensure you get the best treatment there is.
I’m writing this article to enlighten people on the 2 most popular massage services there is and what to expect.
Swedish Massage
Swedish massage is the best type of massage there is if your end goal is to be fully relaxed both physically and mentally. Swedish massage helps in relaxing toxins, tension and soreness. When a Swedish massage is being done the massage therapist uses long stokes which are relatively slow as compared to other forms of massages. This can be done by either using lighter or deeper pressure but the strokes are long.
This form of massage is typically very relaxing and is ideal if its your first time to get a massage.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage uses various techniques in order to increase the pressure applied. This type of massage is mostly done with the forearm or elbow to help exert pressure to the tissues.
For deep tissue the techniques used are much slower with lots of pressure and strokes to stretch out the knots. In order for this massage to be effective there’s usually that range of ‘good pain’ which is mostly associated with deep tissue massage. Don’t let the pain fool you because the end results are to die for. After getting this particular massage you end up feeling more relaxed, its like your back gets lighter and im not even exaggerating it, so that means enduring through the ‘good pain’ really does pay off.
Those are the two famous types of massage there is and i hope this article helps you know what you want to achieve at the end of your massage session.
Today I’m talking about my journey as a massage therapist, I’ve been a massage therapist for the past 4years now and I must say I’ve had such an interesting journey and that has been possible because of the wonderful clients that I’ve come across. I wouldn’t be writing this article if it weren’t for my clients so all the credits go to my clients who’ve made this possible. Having said that lets just jump right into it.
I’m a high spirited and a jovial kind of lady, those of you who don’t know me I go by the name Maureen. I’m always up to meeting new clients and expanding my clientele base. So about my journey it hasn’t been smooth as most of you might think, I know this job looks kinda fancy in a way also it looks like its stress free, I can have my hair down but it’s not as easy as it may look or sound. For starters I work behind the scene from advertising, marketing, running this blog, updating this website to being hands on when it comes to giving the actual services. It’s similar to any other job just that when you’re a freelance or mobile massage therapist all the weight of getting noticed to getting actual clients falls on my shoulders. At some point I do ask for assistance because I’d be lying if I said I’ve made it this far without any kind of help and I really do appreciate those people who’ve helped me get this far.
When we look at the clients I’ve met not all have been sincere (in terms of following through with a booking) but for those who’ve been true made my journey a little bit easier in terms of finances which is very crucial in any type of business. I’m in this business because I love it when my clients end up getting exactly what they expected or I surpassed their expectations, that’s what I live for, it just makes me very proud and it’s like some sort of motivation to continue offering the best massage services there is.
In conclusion I’ve enjoyed this journey I’ve grown in comparison to how I began, I know how it’s like to start and nature a business while hoping and praying it works out. I’m glad this far it has worked out because I’ve also gotten some knowledge when it comes to business and online advertising, online presence and so on and so forth. Please do continue supporting me by keeping those bookings coming, I’m also looking forward to meeting new clients, maybe make new friends as well not forgetting my old clients. It’s a new year and yeah I’m looking forward to growing this business from where it is right now. I’m just fully pumped when it comes to motivation which is a yay.